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Share your tweets on Instagram

Automatically screenshot your tweets and share them on Instagram.
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Share tweets that you like on Instagram

Automatically screenshot tweets that you like and share them on Instagram.
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Share another user's tweets on Instagram

Automatically screenshot new tweets that another user posts and share them on Instagram.
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Share tweets with specific words on Instagram

Automatically screenshot new tweets from any user that includes certain keywords/hashtags and share them on Instagram.
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Share tweets in a specific list on Instagram

Automatically screenshot new tweets from users in a specific list and share them on Instagram.
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Pin your tweets on Pinterest

Automatically screenshot your tweets and pin them on Pinterest.
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Pin tweets that you like on Pinterest

Automatically screenshot tweets that you like and pin them on Pinterest.
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Pin another user's tweets on Pinterest

Automatically screenshot new tweets that another user posts and pin them on Pinterest.
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Pin tweets with specific words on Pinterest

Automatically screenshot new tweets from any user that includes certain keywords/hashtags and pin them on Pinterest.
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Pin tweets in a specific list on Pinterest

Automatically screenshot new tweets from users in a specific list and pin them on Pinterest.
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Share your tweets on Facebook

Automatically screenshot your tweets and share them on Facebook.
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Share tweets that you like on Facebook

Automatically screenshot tweets that you like and share them on Facebook.
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Share another user's tweets on Facebook

Automatically screenshot new tweets that another user posts and share them on Facebook.
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Share tweets with specific words on Facebook

Automatically screenshot new tweets from any user that includes certain keywords/hashtags and share them on Facebook.
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Share tweets in a specific list on Facebook

Automatically screenshot new tweets from users in a specific list and share them on Facebook.
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Save your tweets to Google Drive

Automatically screenshot your tweets and save them to Google Drive.
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Save tweets that you like to Google Drive

Automatically screenshot tweets that you like and save them to Google Drive.
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Save another user's tweets to Google Drive

Automatically screenshot new tweets that another user posts and save them to Google Drive.
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Save tweets with specific words to Google Drive

Automatically screenshot new tweets from any user that includes certain keywords/hashtags and save them to Google Drive.
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Save tweets in a specific list to Google Drive

Automatically screenshot new tweets from users in a specific list and save them to Google Drive.
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Save your tweets to Dropbox

Automatically screenshot your tweets and save them to Dropbox.
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Save tweets that you like to Dropbox

Automatically screenshot tweets that you like and save them to Dropbox.
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Save another user's tweets to Dropbox

Automatically screenshot new tweets that another user posts and save them to Dropbox.
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Save tweets with specific words to Dropbox

Automatically screenshot new tweets from any user that includes certain keywords/hashtags and save them to Dropbox.
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Save tweets in a specific list to Dropbox

Automatically screenshot new tweets from users in a specific list and save them to Dropbox.
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Share your tweets via Gmail

Automatically screenshot your tweets and share them via Gmail.
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Share tweets that you like via Gmail

Automatically screenshot tweets that you like and share them via Gmail.
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Share another user's tweets via Gmail

Automatically screenshot new tweets that another user posts and share them via Gmail.
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Share tweets with specific words via Gmail

Automatically screenshot new tweets from any user that includes certain keywords/hashtags and share them via Gmail.
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Share tweets in a specific list via Gmail

Automatically screenshot new tweets from users in a specific list and share them via Gmail.
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